How It Works

The Scout should be in full Class A uniform.

The Chairperson of the board greets the Scout and introduces the Scout to the board members.

The chairman of the board should ask the Scout to recite one or more of the following:

For Tenderfoot and Second Class ranks, typically just the Scout Oath and Law are asked. For higher ranks, more should be expected. One or two re-tries are appropriate, especially for younger Scouts.

The board members ask appropriate questions of the Scout. Open-ended questions are better, allowing the Scout to speak about opinions, experiences, activities, and accomplishments.

If an answer is too brief, a good tool is to follow with a "Why?" or "How?" type question to prompt for more details. Questions regarding home, church, school, work, athletics, etc. are all appropriate, as well as scouting experiences.

A Board of Review should take from 15 to 30 minutes, with shorter time for lower ranks. When all board members have asked their questions, the Scout is asked to leave the room. 

The board members then decide if the Scout is ready for the next rank; the board's decision must be unanimous.

The Scout is asked back into the room and the Chairperson informs the Scout of the board's decision. When the Scout is approved for the next rank, there are general congratulations, and the Scout is encouraged to continue advancing. If there are issues which prevent the Scout from advancing, the board must detail the deficiencies so the Scout can correct them. The Scout must be told specifically what must be done in order to be successful at the next Board of Review. The Chairperson sends a written follow up to both the Scout and the Scoutmaster, regarding the deficiencies and the course of action needed to correct them.

A Board of Review for Eagle is similar to other Boards of Review, except that it lasts longer with more questioning and discussion. The Eagle Scout Rank application, Letters of Recommendation, and Eagle Project notebook are reviewed by the board. Questions can include asking about these documents as well as areas used in lower rank reviews.

See Boards of Review: An Overview for All Ranks on the Scouts BSA website for more details.
